Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027)

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is an Open Access International Journal Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field of Horticulture, Agriculture and Soil Science, Agronomy; Biology; Economics Academic Field: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Economics; Agriculture and Animal Husbandry; Forestry and Many More. Our Aim is to Give an Open Space to Scientists Who Can Publish and Deliver Scientific Knowledge About the Relevant Field for the People in the Society.


Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal seeks to publish original research articles that are hypothetical and theoretical in its nature and that provide exploratory insights in the following fields but not limited to:

Horticulture Agriculture Soil Science Agronomy
Biology Economics Biotechnology Agricultural chemistry
Soil development in plants aromatic plants subtropical fruits
Green house construction Growth Horticultural therapy Entomology
Medicinal Weed management in horticultural crops plant Analysis Tropical

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-30-01-2023-209
Total View : 1111

Title : The Effect of Substituting Soybean with Groundnut Cake on The Physiochemical Characteristics of Novogen Cockerel Humerus and Femur
by Ekeocha Anthony Henry, Aganga Adeolu Ademiju, Emerue Patrick Chinedu, Makinde A.O,
Abstract : This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary replacement of soybean (SB) with groundnut cake (GNC) on the physiochemical characteristics of Novogen cockerel humerus and femur. A total of 240 one-day-old Novogen Cockerel were used for the experiment, at the end of the brooding period, twenty birds were randomly weighed and slaughtered by severing the jugular vein with sharp knife for humerus and femur morphometric baseline data, and the remaining 220 birds were randomly allocated to four experimental diets (T1=100% SB + 0% GNC, T2= 50% SB + 50% GNG, T3= 25% SB + 75% GNC, T4= 0% SB + 100% GNC) and were fed to an equal number of replicated pens (55 birds per treatment with 11 replicates each) with ad libitum access to fresh water. The means squares show that the treatments were not significantly different for most measured physical and chemical characteristics of humerus and femur. Replicate had no significant effect on any of the humerus characteristics, but differed for some of the femur characteristics, except for the humerus circumference at P<0.05. the variations among the treatments were not significant for most humerus characteristics, except for humerus circumference that was significantly different P<0.05. There was significant difference P<0.05 observed on femur ash weight, femur ash percentage and femur organic matter percentage. Correlation between physical and chemical characteristics of humerus shows a positive correlation but not significant except for humerus organic matter which shows significant positive correlation at P<0.05. It was also revealed that correlation between humerus fresh weight and the dry weight shows significance at P≤0.01. Correlation of humerus moisture with length shows significance at P≤0.01. Correlation between Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Femur shows that correlation between femur live weight and femur fresh width and length shows significance at P≤0.05 and P≤0.01 respectively. Correlation between femur fresh weight and dry weight was significant at P≤0.01, correlation between ash weight and organic matter weight is negative and significant at P≤0.001. Finally, the obtained results shows that groundnut cake and soybean meal have similar crude protein content, but soybean meal is of superior quality due to its greater amino acid profile..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-20-01-2023-205
Total View : 5

Title : Constraints to the production of Senecio biafrae (Worowo) in Southwestern Ekiti State, Nigeria
by Samuel O.Baiyeri, Okoro, J. Chukwuma, Oluwasegun F. Ojo,
Abstract : The study assessed the constraints to the production of Senecio biafrae (Worowo) in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria. A structured interview schedule was used to obtain information from 120 respondents. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages and mean score. The majority (71.6%) of the respondents was male and greater proportion (35.0%) was above 60 years of age. The majority (74.0%) were married while a greater proportion (30.1%) had secondary education. For the family size, 38.0% had between 4-6 persons while the major occupation of 64.2% of the respondents was farming. However, only 7.3% of these farmers had extension contact in the last one year. On the production characteristics of Senecio biafrae, 59.3% indicated it was difficult finding the crop and hence the majority (22.8%) indicated they harvested once in every two weeks and 37.4% indicated the total bunches harvest in the last farming season was ≤2. On the sources of information on Senecio biafrae, the majority (79.7%) of the respondents indicated they sourced information from family members and their major constraint to cultivation and utilization of Senecio biafrae was poor availability of planting materials. However, the perceived strategy for large scale production and utilization of Senecio biafrae as indicated by the respondents was irrigation (35.0%). Senecio biafrae is an endangered crop species and the major sources of information were not research- based. This has led to poor availability of planting material, sustainable production and utilization of the crop. Hence, there is need for synergy among farmers, extension agents and research institutes for proper domestication and production of Senecio biafrae. Farmers should be encouraged also to plant Senecio biafrae in homegardens, around streams and other sources of water as irrigation has been found to be key among other factors for all-year-round sustainable production and utilization of Senecio biafrae..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-19-01-2023-203
Total View : 21

Abstract : Farmers' sources of income come from farming (on-farm) and outside farming (off-farm), therefore each of these sources will determine the amount of income for the farm household. This condition may be related to the role and position of the farmer in the farmer group. Farming management by farmer group administrators is expected to be better because it will provide examples to farmer group members, besides that farmer group administrators are also motivators and dynamics in their groups in adopting new technology. This study aims to determine the farm and off-farm income, the contribution of both incomes to the total income, and the factors that affect the total income of farmer group administrators in Temanggung District. This research method uses descriptive analysis with survey techniques. Sampling of farmer groups and farmer group administrators was carried out in a simple random manner. Data were analyzed using proportion test and multiple linear regression. The results showed that most of the contributions of farming (on farm) by farmer group administrators were high. Age, education and land area had a significant effect on the total income of farmer group administrators, while the number of family members and the number of workers in the household of farmer group administrators had no significant effect on the total income of farmer group administrators..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-16-01-2023-202
Total View : 27

Title : Market Integration Between Cooking Oil and Olein Prices in Indonesia
by Dahlia Nauly, Lola Rahmadona, Alif Haidir Adana, Nadzirah Maulidiansyah,
Abstract : Many analysis related to the market integration between international crude palm oil and cooking oil prices in Indonesia have been carried out, but no one has included the olein price variable. This research used monthly data for the period of January 2016 - April 2022 from the Ministry of Trade, Republic Indonesia and the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency of the Ministry of Trade. The method utilized is Johansen cointegration, Granger Causality, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), impulse response and variance decomposition. The results show that there is a long-term integration between variables. In the short term, cooking oil prices are influenced by international olein prices, domestic CPO prices, international CPO prices and cooking oil prices one month earlier. Impulse response analysis shows that shocks to international and domestic olein prices have had a major impact on cooking oil prices. This study also found that the effect of international olein prices is greater than international CPO prices and domestic CPO prices. It is advisable to make a policy related to the price of cooking oil by considering domestic and international price of olein..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-11-01-2023-201
Total View : 11

Abstract : The research aimed to evaluate of water resources impact on development of agricultural economics in Egypt during the period 2000-2022. So this research based on descriptive and quantitative statistical analysis methods to estimate the proposed regression model. The most important results were, per capita share of available water and relative importance of agricultural production to GDP have taken a statistically decreasing trend, with an annual change rate of about -1.2% and -2% in average respectively. On other hand, agricultural labor, water and land unit productivity have taken a statistically increasing trend, with an annual change rate of about 13%, 12%, and 13% in average respectively during the study period. Also, it was found that a change of 10% in the quantity of water resources used in agriculture leads to a 3% change in cropped area at the same direction, a change of 10% in cropped area leads to a 96% change in agricultural production value at the same direction and a 10% change in agricultural production value leads to a 1.3% change in GDP at the same direction. Accordingly it is recommended to conduct more analytical studies to evaluate water resources impact on development of agricultural economic and, accordingly, on comprehensive economic development..
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