Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027)

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is an Open Access International Journal Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field of Horticulture, Agriculture and Soil Science, Agronomy; Biology; Economics Academic Field: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Economics; Agriculture and Animal Husbandry; Forestry and Many More. Our Aim is to Give an Open Space to Scientists Who Can Publish and Deliver Scientific Knowledge About the Relevant Field for the People in the Society.


Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal seeks to publish original research articles that are hypothetical and theoretical in its nature and that provide exploratory insights in the following fields but not limited to:

Horticulture Agriculture Soil Science Agronomy
Biology Economics Biotechnology Agricultural chemistry
Soil development in plants aromatic plants subtropical fruits
Green house construction Growth Horticultural therapy Entomology
Medicinal Weed management in horticultural crops plant Analysis Tropical

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-08-10-2024-321
Total View : 7

Abstract : It has been realized that there is lack of consistent and adequate supplies of good quality of locally grown vegetable in Eswatini. Therefore, the Small Enterprises Development Company (Pty) Ltd. (SEDCO) embarked on a value chain intervention training programme for small-scale vegetable farmers on for improved marketing efficiency. However, the effect of the intervention training programme farmers’ performance market efficiency remains unassessed. Hence, this study aimed at assessing the contribution of SEDCO’s value chain interventions smallholder vegetable farmers’ marketing efficiency in the Shiselweni region. A quantitative descriptive research design was employed on a sample 46 vegetable farmers based on information availed by SEDCO. The results indicated that most vegetable farmers were males (63.0%) and majority (34.8%) of them were aged between 45-65 years. Majority (43.5%) of the sampled farmers were earning income ranging between R500.00-R1000.00 per month. Further, the findings suggest that farmers’ marketing efficiency (ME) improved from 4.561 to 5.125 after SEDCO’s intervention, indicating a positive contribution of the training programme. The findings further indicate that farm income had a negative and significant influence on marketing efficiency of the sampled farmers. This suggests that farmers tend to re-invest relatively more in the marketing process of farm produce, thereby, increasing marketing costs and reducing marketing efficiency. The over reinvestment behaviour is attributable to limited knowledge on cost management. The study recommends that the government and development agencies should continue engaging farmers through trainings on the different methods/techniques of reducing marketing costs in addition to SEDCO’s efforts. Furthermore, all stakeholders should join efforts of formulating and implementing policies that creates a less costly vegetable marketing environment along the value chain for improved marketing efficiency..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-03-10-2024-319
Total View : 7

Title : ICT Resources Usage and Competence Levels: The Challenges of Academic Staff in Botswana Colleges of Education
by 1Torimiro, D.O, Lebala, O, Alao, O.T, Tselaesele, N. M, Mabusa, K., Tladi-Sekgwama, F., Rammolai-Segokgo, M.,
Abstract : This study examined the use of information and communication technology (ICT) resources and the competence levels of academic staff in Botswana’s colleges of education. It explored the demographic and job-related characteristics of the academic staff, determined their level of competence in using ICT resources, and identified the challenges in ICT usage. Data were collected from all the 265 academic staff across the four colleges of education in the country using a pre-tested questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation analysis) with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results showed that 57% of the staff are female, and 94% identify as Batswana. Nearly half (46.8%) hold Lecturer I positions, and 52.1% rarely travel for professional purposes. Desktop computers and Microsoft Word were extensively used by 93.6% of respondents (3.9 High), while 46% reported frequent use of Microsoft Teams (2.9 Low). Over 80% agreed they could effectively use the internet for information sharing and retrieval. A significant positive relationship was found between ICT usage and competence (r = 0.665; p < 0.01). Key challenges included poor Wi-Fi access, outdated equipment, and insufficient technical skills. The study recommends investing in ICT training and infrastructure improvements to enhance staff competence and promote positive attitudes toward ICT usage..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-25-09-2024-318
Total View : 11

Title : Correlates of Information and Communication Technologies Usage among Academic Staff in Botswana's Colleges of Education
by 1Torimiro, D.O, Lebala, O, Alao, O.T, Mabusa, K, Tselaesele, N. M, Tladi-Sekgwama, F, 1Bulala, T.,
Abstract : This study examined the correlates of usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by academic staff in Botswana's colleges of education. It specifically identified and described some selected demographic and job characteristics of the academic staff, determined the levels of availability of and accessibility to ICTs, determined the level of usage of ICTs by the academic staff in performing their academic roles; and empirically established some variables that determines the extent of usage of ICTs. A pre-tested and validated questionnaire was used to elicit information from all the 265 academic staff across the four colleges of education in country. Data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, as well as inferential statistics like Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation using SPSS. The findings revealed that most (57%) of the respondents were female with the mean age of 51.6 years. Most (55.1%) of the respondents are married, and 84.9% obtained a master's degree. The mean experience of the respondents was 25.45 years with standard deviation of 7.4 years; and the mean income per month was BWP 24,014.83 with standard deviation of BWP 3,016.22. In the order of importance, the results showed good congruence between mean scores of availability of and accessibility to Microsoft teams, Interactive whiteboards, You Tube, Laptop and Projectors ranking between 1st and 5th, while Microsoft word, WhatsApp, Microsoft excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Desktop computers are ranked lowest between 10th and 14th. Designation (F=2.688; p 0.047), age (r = -0.170, p = 0.007) and experience (r = -0.171, p = 0.008) of the respondents; and availability of ICTs (r = -0.356, p < 0.01) and accessibility to ICTs (r = -0.322, p < 0.01) of ICT resources were empirically established as correlates of ICTs usage. It is then recommended that the government and the colleges authorities provide adequate infrastructure for enhancing access to Microsoft Teams and other important ICTs for effective performance of the academic staff roles..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-02-08-2024-314
Total View : 19

Abstract : Indonesia would have ranked as the world's sixth-largest cocoa producer and third-largest cocoa exporter. Unfortunately, Indonesia's cocoa exports have fluctuated over the past 30 years. An improvement in cocoa exports should be supported by an increase in domestic cocoa production. However, an increase in cocoa production does not necessarily increase the value of cocoa exports if other factors, such as inflation and exchange rate stabilization, do not support it. This study aims to analyze the role of production, inflation, and exchange rate fluctuations on cocoa exports to optimize Indonesian cocoa exports. The analysis method uses the ARDL model to analyze the relationship and short-term and long-term influence among variables. The results show that the dominant variable affecting cocoa exports is the exchange rate variable. Therefore, efforts are needed to strengthen exchange rates and exchange rate risk management, change marketing strategies and partnerships, and maintain and expand export markets..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-29-07-2024-313
Total View : 27

Abstract : Sugarcane farming is an economically important agribusiness enterprise in developing countries and is used as a strategic development vehicle for household income generation and national economic growth. However, a literature gap exists in the effects of gender dynamics on profitability amongst non-cooperated growers. Therefore, this study conducted a gender comparative profitability analysis and identified the determinants of profitability amongst smallholder growers. Cross-sectional data were collected through interviews guided by a structured questionnaire from a sample of 173 growers. The budgetary technique and the gross rate of return (GRR) were adopted to assess the level profitability. Multiple regression was applied to analyze the determinants of profitability. The results revealed that sugarcane farming is profitable with an average profit per ha of E32,514.20 and GRR=1.47. Female-managed farms were more profitable (profit/ha=E34,970.04; GRR=1.62) compared to male-managed farms (profit/ha=E30,845.17; GRR=1.38) and the difference was statistically significant at p≤0.10. Farm-size, sucrose yield and total cost were found to be common drivers of profitability at p≤0.01 for male and female-managed farms. The grower’s experience in business management and ratoon cropping were significant determinants of profitability amongst male-managed farms at p≤0.01 and p≤0.1, respectively. The study recommends that the growers should increase sucrose yield through capacitation on business management skills. Male growers must adopt strict cost minimization strategies to improve profitability. Policymakers should assist the growers to increase the scale of operation to improve profitability through economies of scale..
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