Vol - 17, Issue - 09
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-24-08-2021-104
Total View : 476

Abstract : Rice production for family food security is an innovation. In this instance, external support services are provided when farmers integrate rice into their food production systems. The extent to which rice is successfully integrated would enhance farmer attitude, profit, and production efficiency. Therefore, this study aimed to examine whether farmers possessed favorable attitudes toward rice production, made profits and were technically efficient in growing rice. Additionally, the technical inefficiency effects of selected farm-specific socioeconomic factors on technical efficiency were evaluated. Three approaches, Likert scaling, cost accounting, and stochastic frontier production function, were applied to analyze the input-output and attitude data collected. The results indicate that while smallholder farmers possessed favorable attitudes toward local rice farming, production was economically unprofitable and technically inefficient. Low cash cost farm investment and the high cost of labor-dependent production have caused production economically unprofitable. However, area and cash costs attributed increased and significant productivity effects on output milled rice. Additionally, cultivated areas and tools provided were the most critical farm-specific factors influencing technical efficiency in smallholder rice production. Thus, given the food security aspect, a farm expansion program with external support services and farmer training programs would improve rice farmers' farm investments and technical efficiency in Bogia District.

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