Vol - 19, Issue - 01
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-20-01-2023-205
Total View : 5

Title : Constraints to the production of Senecio biafrae (Worowo) in Southwestern Ekiti State, Nigeria
by Samuel O.Baiyeri, Okoro, J. Chukwuma, Oluwasegun F. Ojo,
Abstract : The study assessed the constraints to the production of Senecio biafrae (Worowo) in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria. A structured interview schedule was used to obtain information from 120 respondents. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages and mean score. The majority (71.6%) of the respondents was male and greater proportion (35.0%) was above 60 years of age. The majority (74.0%) were married while a greater proportion (30.1%) had secondary education. For the family size, 38.0% had between 4-6 persons while the major occupation of 64.2% of the respondents was farming. However, only 7.3% of these farmers had extension contact in the last one year. On the production characteristics of Senecio biafrae, 59.3% indicated it was difficult finding the crop and hence the majority (22.8%) indicated they harvested once in every two weeks and 37.4% indicated the total bunches harvest in the last farming season was ≤2. On the sources of information on Senecio biafrae, the majority (79.7%) of the respondents indicated they sourced information from family members and their major constraint to cultivation and utilization of Senecio biafrae was poor availability of planting materials. However, the perceived strategy for large scale production and utilization of Senecio biafrae as indicated by the respondents was irrigation (35.0%). Senecio biafrae is an endangered crop species and the major sources of information were not research- based. This has led to poor availability of planting material, sustainable production and utilization of the crop. Hence, there is need for synergy among farmers, extension agents and research institutes for proper domestication and production of Senecio biafrae. Farmers should be encouraged also to plant Senecio biafrae in homegardens, around streams and other sources of water as irrigation has been found to be key among other factors for all-year-round sustainable production and utilization of Senecio biafrae.

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