Vol - 19, Issue - 06
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-08-06-2023-256
Total View : 12

Abstract : The study examined the effect of kidnapping and theft on the output of arable crops among households. A multistage random sampling technique was applied in sample selection. Data were collected through the aid of questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics, regression models and Likert scale. The findings of this study were summarized to include majority of the respondents were males while most of the respondents were between the age range of 21 to 31 years having household sizes of 5 persons. It was showed that majority of the respondents had primary educated and farming as their dominant source of income. Apart from land preparation, gender and marital status which were not significant, the other variables namely hired labour, farm size, family size, family labour, weeding labour, fertilizer used, herbicides used, planting materials, farming experience, household size and monthly income significantly affected the output of arable crops under kidnapping insecurity. The effect of kidnapping had a negative impact on productivity at 1% level and negatively related to production output. This implies that the higher the incidences of kidnapping the lower the production output. The coefficient of theft was statistically significant at 1% level and negatively related to the production output. This indicates that the higher the incidence of theft the lower the production output. It is recommended that government should make security of the people a priority, also religious and ethnic leaders should continuously educate and enlighten their ethnic groups against kidnapping and theft which have negative effects on production output.

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