Vol - 17, Issue - 10
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-19-10-2021-114
Total View : 440

Abstract : The study is conducted in the conditions of Devoll territory, located in the south eastern part of Albania. The climate of this region is characterized by Mediterranean – continental features. The results obtained from this study offer important indication on the most appropriate selections in determining plant density of plants. The values of plant characteristics indicate a regular decrease when the plant space increases, while it is not the same for the date of flowering. This study provides evidence that plants density (density of six plants: 8.9 – 6.7 – 4.5 – 3.4, 2.7 and 2.3 plants/m2) does not exert any proven influence on the average fruit weight. The average number of the fruits per plant increases starting from the highest to the lowest density, while the production per unit area decreases. The quantity of marketable product is higher in the low - density plant variants, while the total product per unit area results high in variants with higher number of plants. Moreover, the greater the distance between the planted plants is, the smaller will be the percentage of sparse fruits. The plant height of the tested variants increased with greater plant density. The fruits with the highest weight were obtained in the first three harvests, while the diameter of the fruits was larger in the fruits of the second and third harvest. The plant height of the tested variants increased with greater plant density. The green mass remaining after harvest of the product, as well as the amount of dried plant at the end of the product cycle, resulted in higher values in the higher density plant variants, compared to other densities. This research paper contains data on the effects of five levels of nitrogen. The high nitrogen rates of the tested variants increased the weight of the fruit and delayed ripening.

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