Abstract :
The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in driving the economic development of nations, such as Indonesia and Türkiye. Indonesia and Türkiye, being nations endowed with abundant natural resources, possess agricultural sectors that serve as crucial foundations for fulfilling domestic food requirements, generating employment prospects, and making substantial contributions to the overall national economy. The objective of this study is to examine the factors that influence the economic growth of the agricultural sector, with a focus on the case studies of Indonesia and Türkiye spanning from 1991 to 2021. The study employs Agricultural GDP (AGDP) as the dependent variable, while the independent variables are Agricultural Exports (AEXP), Agricultural Imports (AIMP), and Agricultural Labor (ALAB). The data utilized in this analysis were obtained from reliable secondary sources, including the official websites of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Bank (WB). The present study employed the multiple linear regression analysis technique, utilizing EViews 10 software for data analysis. The findings indicate that the variables of Agricultural Export (AEXP) and Agricultural Import (AIMP) exert a statistically significant positive impact on the Agricultural GDP (AGDP) both in Indonesia and Türkiye. In contrast, the variable Agricultural Labor (ALAB) exhibits a noteworthy negative impact in Indonesia, whereas in Türkiye, the effect is negative but lacks statistical significance. It demonstrates that labor has varying degrees of influence on agriculture sector growth in the countries studied.