Vol - 19, Issue - 12
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-20-12-2023-290
Total View : 40

Abstract : The recent surge in Covid-19 cases has been prompted educational organizations to embrace e-learning systems as a viable substitute for traditional classroom instruction. Nonetheless, concerns among stakeholders, particularly in developing countries, persist and are on the rise due to challenges. This research delves into the factors influencing the utilization of the e-Learning system developed by the Department of Agricultural Extension. The study targeted a population of 1,986 professional extension agents across 20 provinces in Northeast Thailand. Sample size determination employed Krejcie and Morgan's formula along with cluster selection, resulting in 326 extension agents participating as respondents in an online questionnaire. This survey aimed to collect general data, incentives, and factors influencing the use of the e-Learning system. Utilizing descriptive statistics and multiple regression analyses through SPSS, the study revealed that respondents predominantly used personal digital devices, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, accounting for 63.50% of usage, attributed to their convenience and higher processing capacities. Multiple regression results, significant at the 0.005 level, underscored the substantial influence of awareness of the benefits of the e-Learning system. The data provided by the system proved instrumental, particularly in facilitating academic reports for professional advancement. Positive impacts were also observed concerning the system's user-friendliness and the appropriateness of its learning contents. In conclusion, the study advocates for the imperative use of the e-Learning systems for educational purposes. It however emphasizes the necessity for regular updates and adjustments to ensure the continued engagement of learners with such a system.

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