Vol - 18, Issue - 08
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-03-09-2022-168
Total View : 8

Abstract : This paper deals with the need of a new agenda for agricultural (and rural development) in Albania. Through findings from the literature on various aspects, including policy options and instruments for agricultural development and poverty reduction, it aims to raise the awareness of policymakers in Albania about both the arsenal of possible development policy options and the urgent need for an inclusive policy agenda for the agricultural sector of Albania. The new agenda calls for a clear vision of agricultural development, an effective roadmap, the adoption of a comprehensive approach to the drafting process, and the political commitment of policymakers to an inclusive development strategy through effective consultation with farmers and agricultural development actors in drafting the policy agenda. The climate for private investment must be the foundation of the new agenda. The best functioning of markets should be the "panacea" of sound agricultural development. Improving transparency in the drafting and execution of the public budget for agriculture, including subsidies, is vital in terms of its efficiency and achieving policy objectives, and meeting the policy targets. Implementing performance-based budgeting would have positive effects in this regard. Establishing institutional capacities for management, monitoring, absorption, and impact assessment, is a prerequisite to further increase the agricultural budget in the future, and to ensure efficient use of all resources.

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