Abstract :
Bundling resources from Market Orientation (MO), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Innovation Orientation (IO), and Customer Relationship Orientation (CRO) which are Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation (EMO) dimensions to improve firm performance (FP) in a turbulence environment situation. Based on the Resource Base View (RBV), Dynamic Capability View (DCV) and Contingency Theory, this study aims to empirically test the conceptual EMO model of [20] and continue the empirical research of [34], namely to understand and determine the effect EMO on FP and the role of market turbulence moderating influence on the effect of EMO on FP. Data collection was carried out by means of a census on 30 export-oriented forest product industry companies in South Kalimantan. Then analyzed by quantitative methods and tested statistically using PLS (Partial Least Squares). The results can be concluded: EMO has no significant effect on FP moderated by Perceived Market Turbulence (PMT).