Vol - 20, Issue - 05
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-09-05-2024-305
Total View : 23

Abstract : Responding to challenges and existing knowledge gaps facing the cooperative movement in the world, this research seeks to provide exhaustive information on Singapore cooperative movement. Singapore is the one country as member of International Cooperative Alliance. The Singapore cooperative movement is outstanding and interesting operations and ideas that can be applied for the world cooperative movement. The descriptive analysis is performed the data on the issues: history, structure, type, and laws of the cooperative movement. A focus group with experts, which analyze and synthesize by using SWOT analysis to provide exhaustive information and suggestion guidelines for application in the world cooperative movement. The results of synthesis for application in the world cooperative movement are as follows: 1) The cooperative business operation should be based on the needs and circumstances of the true economic and social situation. 2) The cooperative must have a broad vision and give importance to laying down a foundation and solid system. The important mechanism of the cooperative movement is the concept and ideology of cooperative that must be inculcated from a young age and done continuously. 3) The cooperative must focus on their social mission and combine with the modern concept and vision of their citizens. 4) The cooperative must seriously focus on creating understanding, cultivating ideals and values for the operating committee and the cooperative management. Applying the lesson learned from the success of Singapore cooperative, it is quite difficult to adapt. The differences in people's conditions are the most important matter. The cooperative in the world are other different factors such as geography, climate, politics, and government.

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