Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027)

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is an Open Access International Journal Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field of Horticulture, Agriculture and Soil Science, Agronomy; Biology; Economics Academic Field: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Economics; Agriculture and Animal Husbandry; Forestry and Many More. Our Aim is to Give an Open Space to Scientists Who Can Publish and Deliver Scientific Knowledge About the Relevant Field for the People in the Society.


Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal seeks to publish original research articles that are hypothetical and theoretical in its nature and that provide exploratory insights in the following fields but not limited to:

Horticulture Agriculture Soil Science Agronomy
Biology Economics Biotechnology Agricultural chemistry
Soil development in plants aromatic plants subtropical fruits
Green house construction Growth Horticultural therapy Entomology
Medicinal Weed management in horticultural crops plant Analysis Tropical

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-07-08-2023-269
Total View : 8

Abstract : Bundling resources from Market Orientation (MO), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Innovation Orientation (IO), and Customer Relationship Orientation (CRO) which are Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation (EMO) dimensions to improve firm performance (FP) in a turbulence environment situation. Based on the Resource Base View (RBV), Dynamic Capability View (DCV) and Contingency Theory, this study aims to empirically test the conceptual EMO model of [20] and continue the empirical research of [34], namely to understand and determine the effect EMO on FP and the role of market turbulence moderating influence on the effect of EMO on FP. Data collection was carried out by means of a census on 30 export-oriented forest product industry companies in South Kalimantan. Then analyzed by quantitative methods and tested statistically using PLS (Partial Least Squares). The results can be concluded: EMO has no significant effect on FP moderated by Perceived Market Turbulence (PMT)..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-07-08-2023-268
Total View : 28

Abstract : This study aims to analyze the level of food security in the City of Palangka Raya, food shortages, surpluses, and/or household failure to meet food needs are all considered to be food problems. This study uses data from 120 households to analyze the availability and reserves as well as the distribution and access to food in the City of Palangka Raya, Indonesia. Since three of the five sample sub-districts fall into the "Food Security" category and two into the "Food Vulnerable" category, that means that households in the five sub-districts absorb and consume food in terms of quantity and quality, nutritionally balanced, equitable, safe, and do not conflict with the religion, beliefs, and culture of the community to achieve a healthy, active and productive life sustainably. To strengthen and solidify the food security system in the City of Palangka Raya, it is necessary to have good coordination, communication and cooperation in all district..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-18-07-2023-267
Total View : 5

Title : Coping Strategies with Rising Feed Costs as a Determinant Factor for Poverty Alleviation among Poultry Farmers in South-West, Nigeria
by Afodu Osagie John, Akinwole Oladele Timothy, Akinboye Olufunsho Emmanuel, Akintunde Adeyinka Oye, Ajuzie, Nnenna Choice,
Abstract : The recent performance of poultry industry in Nigeria has fallen below expectation due to high cost of feed arising from fluctuations in rising prices of ingredients, and inefficiency in production. This study is aimed at analysing the effect of coping strategies with rising feed costs as a determinant factor for poverty alleviation among poultry farmers in south-West, Nigeria. The study employed a quantitative research approach using a survey research design. Multistage sampling procedures were used in selecting three states (Lagos, Ogun, and Oyo) from South-West zone in Nigeria. In the second stage, 575 poultry farmers from all Poultry Association of Nigeria zones were selected using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using structured questionnaire, and analyzed with the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study showed that the adopted strategies used by the farmers were Use of Finished Feed (24.70%), Mixed Farming (48.00%), Downsizing of Flock Size (16.10%), No Change of Strategies (6.20%), Verge of Exiting the Venture (5.20%). It was observed that majority (70.7%) of the poultry farmers were living below the poverty line (₦48,500/month) which was estimated using mean per capita household monthly expenditure while 29.3% of them were living above the poverty line. The result also shows that an increase in the coping strategies will lead to 80% decrease of poverty level of the poultry farmers in the study area. The study therefore concluded that farmers should adopt the most suitable coping strategy available to reduce the effect of rising feed cost..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-18-07-2023-266
Total View : 122

Abstract : A clone, in a viticultural context, is “a single vine or a population of vines all derived by vegetative propagation from cuttings or buds from a single “mother vine” by clonal selection. The aim of this paper was to evaluate how different clones of the autochthonous ‘Ceruja’ white grapevine variety express their productivity indicators and oenological characteristics and to recommend the best clone to be propagated and used in the vineyard variety structure in Albania. The study was conducted during three executive years (2020-2022). Nine clones (4, 13, 58, 124, 251, 367, 413, 489, and 582), grafted over 140Ru, with a plot size of 10 vines for each clone, were evaluated. Yield per plant, single bunch weight, berry weight, ten berries skin weight, ten berries seed weight, total soluble solids, total tartaric acid, pH of must and wine, alcohol fraction for volume, and total polyphenols in berry skin and seeds, were measured using specific tools, as described by the OIV, and were recorded for a 3-year period. There was found that different clones showed significant differences in terms of quantity and quality of grape and wine characteristics. Clone 413, followed by clones 58, 124 and 4, showed the highest productivity and wine quality characteristics and are recommended to be used in the varietal structure of the North and North-Eastern part of Albania as clones of perspective for white wine production, in context of rural tourism development in these areas and beyond..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-14-06-2023-258
Total View : 22

Title : Factors affecting imported price of shrimp products in Japan market: Evidences from Thailand and Vietnam
by Khuu Thi Phuong Dong, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hoa, Khong Tien Dung, Nguyen Minh Duc,
Abstract : This study aims to identify the factors affecting import price of frozen shrimp from Thailand and Vietnam to Japan market by time-series monthly data from 2008 to June, 2019. The dataset of this study includes the monthly data covering from 2008 to June, 2019 about the imported price of shrimp products of Thailand and Vietnam in Japan market with total 138 observations. Error correction models was explored to estimate the factors influencing to the imported price of shrimp products of Thailand and Vietnam in Japan market. The explanatory variables includes in the models were determined based on the theory of demand and supply. Found results showed that, both in short and long run, the imported price of frozen shrimp from other countries such as Vietnam, China and India was indicated as the factors effect on the imported price of Thailand shrimp products (P < 0.01). Similar results were found for the case of Vietnam shrimp products imported to Japan (P < 0.01), suggesting Thailand, China, India and Vietnam were directly competitors for shrimp products in Japan market. Exchange rate between USD and JPY played an important role in the changes of import price for both Thailand and Vietnam frozen shrimp. In long run, the results of this research indicated that the implementation of quality assurance regulation caused of increasing in imported price of Vietnam frozen shrimp. Meanwhile, the application of new technology in shrimp cultured could improve the competition advantages of Thailand frozen shrimp..
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