Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027)

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is an Open Access International Journal Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field of Horticulture, Agriculture and Soil Science, Agronomy; Biology; Economics Academic Field: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Economics; Agriculture and Animal Husbandry; Forestry and Many More. Our Aim is to Give an Open Space to Scientists Who Can Publish and Deliver Scientific Knowledge About the Relevant Field for the People in the Society.


Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal seeks to publish original research articles that are hypothetical and theoretical in its nature and that provide exploratory insights in the following fields but not limited to:

Horticulture Agriculture Soil Science Agronomy
Biology Economics Biotechnology Agricultural chemistry
Soil development in plants aromatic plants subtropical fruits
Green house construction Growth Horticultural therapy Entomology
Medicinal Weed management in horticultural crops plant Analysis Tropical

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-19-04-2023-244
Total View : 46

Abstract : This study was conducted to determine the effect on the laying performance and egg qualities of mallard ducks fed with commercial layer mash containing T.gigantea leaf meal and Golden kuhol meal. Experiment was set up in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using 36 ducks with four treatments: T0 = 100 % commercial duck layer mash (CDLM), T1 - 90 % CDLM+ 10 % Golden kuhol meal (GKM), T2 = 90 % CDLM + 10 % Trichanthera gigantea leaf meal (TGLM) and T3 90 % CDLM + 5 % GKM + 5 % TGLM. The results of the study showed that supplementation of T.gigantea leaf meal and golden kuhol meal as part of the commercial duck layer showed significant differences on voluntary feed intake (p< 0.001), diet containing 10 % TGLM showed a very low feed intake compared to other treatment diets. Shell weight showed significant difference (p < 0.032) among treatments with T3 diet containing 5 % GKM and 5% TGLM exhibits heavier shell weight across all treatment. All other parameters; total weight gain, egg weight, egg shape index, shell thickness, yolk color, hen-day egg production and haugh unit did not differ significantly on all treatment. Even though voluntary feed intake and shell thickness shows significant difference on all treatments it potentially began to adjust to optimum level as the time progresses. Thus, it is recommended that supplementation will be tried in a much longer period..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-16-04-2023-242
Total View : 19

Abstract : Land use dynamic facilitates and spurs economic growth by enhancing productivity and efficiency. This study analyzed agricultural land use dynamics and conflicts among rural households in Ekiti and Osun States, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 90 respondents used for the study. Data were obtained with the aid of structured interview schedule and analyzed using descriptive statistics, T-test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). Findings of the study shows that most of the farmers in Ekiti and Osun States were male, married with mean age of 59 and 57 years and an average household size of six and seven persons respectively, but with low levels of education. A majority of them derived their sources of livelihood from farming activities. The study established changes in land use from subsistence agriculture to commercial agriculture and the establishment of dams and educational institutions. The study affirmed the eruption of conflicts resulting from land encroachment and farm job displacement in which the affected people were neither adequately compensated nor provided alternative sources of livelihood. The PPMC established a significant relationship between land use conflict and the livelihood assets of the farmers in both States. However, the result of T-test analysis established differences in farm size, farm output and farm income before and after the land use conflict in both States. The study recommends the sensitization and involvement of all stakeholders in decision making regarding agricultural land use dynamics in their communities, and appropriate compensation of rural households whose sources of livelihoods were hampered by the development should be done on time..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-14-04-2023-241
Total View : 110

by Oluwadele joshua femi, Tawose olayinka mariam, Ekeocha Anthony Henry, Akinlabi Ebenezer Yemi, Adeitan Onaopemipo, Kazeem Bello,
Abstract : This study was conducted to determine the physiological index and stress of washing chickens in the cement plant area of LAFARGE (Ewekoro) and Dangote (Ibese) in Ogun State. 100 adult eaten chickens consisting of 25 chickens from LAFARGE, Dangote and their respective neighboring communities (Imasaya and Wasimi) were used. Experimental birds were captured from roosts during the night and caged until the next morning. Data on rectal temperature, pulse and respiratory rate of the birds were collected. 5 ml of blood was also drawn via the chicken wing vein at each site using a sterilized needle and syringe and transported to the laboratory for analysis. Significantly (P<0.05) the highest heart rates (215.64 beats per minute) and respiratory rates (19.90 beats per minute) were recorded in LAFARGE (Ewekoro) range samples and the lowest (198.61 beats per minute and 16 .00 beats per minute).or 93 breaths/minute) in Imasaya. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the rectal temperatures of the birds in the study area. Significant differences (P<0.05) were also found in hematocrit (PCV), hemoglobin (Hb), white blood cell count (WBC), monocytes and glucose levels in zone Dangote chickens. Study with the highest (P<0.05) .05) Thehematocrit (28.06%) and hemoglobin (4.01 g/dL) were recorded in Ibese, and the minimum hematocrit (22.00%) and hemoglobin (288 g/dL) in Imasaya. The maximum (P<0.05) Monocytes (4.28%) and glucose (256.53 g/dl) were detected in scavengers in Dangote (Ibese), while the lowest number of monocytes (0.00%) and glucose (194.53 g/dl) was found in chickens in Wasimi. The maximum (P<0>0.05) Difference in the ratios of heterophils, lymphocytes, basophils and heterophils/lymphocytes in the chickens of the study area. The study showed that chickens reared in LAFARGE (Ewekoro) were stressed and had health and welfare status compared to Dangote Cement Area (Ibese) and other farming communities. An effective environmental mitigation program should be implemented to improve the welfare of feed chickens at the LAFARGE cement factory..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-10-04-2023-239
Total View : 10

Abstract : This study is aimed at analyzing and evaluating the current status of the quality of public transport in Vinh Long province – one of the emerging provinces in the Mekong River Delta (MRD) Vietnam. The research employed the data set of direct interviews with 140 respondents who have and have not to experience in using public transport for analysis and comparison purposes. The contribution of this research is comparing the opinions of current and potential users of public transport and employing the conventional CVM approach and inferred valuation (IV) to compare the fees people are willing to contribute to current public transport improvement projects. The research results revealed that the current state of the transport system has not met the needs of users. The research results also clearly indicate the role of the IV estimation method in adjusting the WTP value elicited closer to reality. The interesting point is that people who have never used public transport are willing to pay more for better quality. In addition, respondents' gender and income influence this willingness to pay for both groups of observations. Based on the analysis results, the study proposes a number of solutions to stakeholders such as the government, public transport companies, and people to promote the development of public transport in the near future..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-07-04-2023-238
Total View : 7

Abstract : This study was used to profile the coping strategies of poultry farmers in the Southwestern Nigeria during the outburst of the dreaded disease called COVID19.The entire world was put on halts and many businesses and farming were paralyzed. Ikole, Ijero, Ado, Oye, Ifaki LGAs all in Ekiti State Southwestern Nigeria was used for the study. A multistage sampling technique was used in the study. 100 respondents were interviewed. The data collected were analyzed using inferential statistics tools, descriptive statistics as means, frequency tables, etc., were used to describe the socio-economic characteristics and the coping strategies of poultry farmers during COVID-19. The mean age of the respondents is 40.59 years, male gender is (67%), while37% are the female farmers. It was also shown that 61.0% of the respondents were married, and only 9% had no formal education. Study showed that 88% of the poultry producer used early marketing strategy to prevent over feeding of the birds, reduction in cost of production, 84% sells to consumer in lieu of retail, 80% reduced stock of production because there was no way to market the bird, so as to avoid lost, a lot of people reduce the number of stock they rear to a little quantity they can sell within their environment since people movement has been restricted, The farmers used dry fish silage as protein, private feed milling and use of fruits and fruits co-product during the period under review..
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