Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027)

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is an Open Access International Journal Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field of Horticulture, Agriculture and Soil Science, Agronomy; Biology; Economics Academic Field: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Economics; Agriculture and Animal Husbandry; Forestry and Many More. Our Aim is to Give an Open Space to Scientists Who Can Publish and Deliver Scientific Knowledge About the Relevant Field for the People in the Society.


Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal seeks to publish original research articles that are hypothetical and theoretical in its nature and that provide exploratory insights in the following fields but not limited to:

Horticulture Agriculture Soil Science Agronomy
Biology Economics Biotechnology Agricultural chemistry
Soil development in plants aromatic plants subtropical fruits
Green house construction Growth Horticultural therapy Entomology
Medicinal Weed management in horticultural crops plant Analysis Tropical

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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-08-06-2023-256
Total View : 12

Abstract : The study examined the effect of kidnapping and theft on the output of arable crops among households. A multistage random sampling technique was applied in sample selection. Data were collected through the aid of questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics, regression models and Likert scale. The findings of this study were summarized to include majority of the respondents were males while most of the respondents were between the age range of 21 to 31 years having household sizes of 5 persons. It was showed that majority of the respondents had primary educated and farming as their dominant source of income. Apart from land preparation, gender and marital status which were not significant, the other variables namely hired labour, farm size, family size, family labour, weeding labour, fertilizer used, herbicides used, planting materials, farming experience, household size and monthly income significantly affected the output of arable crops under kidnapping insecurity. The effect of kidnapping had a negative impact on productivity at 1% level and negatively related to production output. This implies that the higher the incidences of kidnapping the lower the production output. The coefficient of theft was statistically significant at 1% level and negatively related to the production output. This indicates that the higher the incidence of theft the lower the production output. It is recommended that government should make security of the people a priority, also religious and ethnic leaders should continuously educate and enlighten their ethnic groups against kidnapping and theft which have negative effects on production output..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-29-05-2023-253
Total View : 20

Title : Tourism Sector Performance and Economic Growth in Saudi Arabia
by Imad Yousif, Mohamad Alnafissa, Mahdi Alsultan, Yosef Alamri,
Abstract : The tourism industry is considered one of the biggest industrial sectors in the world, which drives economic growth and creates jobs, especially in the developing countries. Saudi Arabia is known for its tourist attractions, especially the religious ones. Saudi Arabia has recently re-formed its tourism sector with the aim of increasing its economic contribution within the plan of economic diversification. The main objective of this paper is to examine the impact of the development of tourism sector on Saudi Arabia’s economic growth. The paper examined the impact of the main components of tourism (inbound and outbound) on economic growth, which captures the net effect of tourism on the economy, i.e., the positive impact of domestic tourism and the negative impact of out-bound tourism. To achieve the paper objective, a quarter data from 2015–2020 is used. The paper estimated two-stage least square model with instrumental variables. The study results showed that internal tourism (domestic and inbound) has a positive impact on economic growth, while outbound tourism has a negative one. The results show the importance of the impact of outbound tourism on GDP growth as its negative impact is significant and may outweigh the positive impact of domestic tourism. The paper recommends increasing the scale of investment in the tourism sector to enhance domestic tourism and reduce outbound tourism..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-13-05-2023-251
Total View : 22

Title : Are Forest Development Support Policies Can Help to Reduce Poverty for Ethnic Minorities? A Case Study in the Extreme Poor Region of Northwest, Vietnam
by Nguyen Thi Thiem, Luu Van Duy, Nguyen Thanh Phong, Tran Nguyen Thành, Pham Bao Dương, Tran Ba Uan, Do Thi Thanh Duong,
Abstract : Forest production plays crucial role in improving the livelihood of ethnic minorities in Vietnam. This study aims to analyze the correlation between forest development support policies and poverty reduction in ethnic minority households in the extreme poor region. The results of the correlation analysis between the the forest cover and poverty rate in the study site show that the higher the forest cover rate, the lower the poverty rate. Data analysis of 360 households surveyed by Wald test and Binary Logist model and Hierarchical Logist show that if ethnic minority households receive support including contracted and forest care, payment for forest environmental services, support for production forest land increases the probability of households escaping from poverty. These supports have a positive impact on poverty reduction, these are not material supports, they are necessary and their impacts are quite obvious. Support for contracting and taking care of forests, training for agricultural and forestry extension, support for participating in the model tend to increase income a lot. Meanwhile, support for forest plant varieties tends to reduce the income of ethnic minority households. Thus, the research results show that soft support increases household income, in contrast, material supports reduce household income. This shows that the material support is no longer appropriate, local authorities need to change their perception, methods and support solutions in the direction of increasing software support and reducing and eliminating material supports..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-06-05-2023-249
Total View : 16

Title : Farmer field school
by Rizal,
Abstract : The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of Farmers Field School (FFS) on farmers knowledge, farmers groups capacity, process of adoption and dissemination of IPM in Bondowoso District. The population of this research was 442 group of farmers, with 25.244 who are engaged in the IPMFFS in Bondowoso District. This research conducted from August until November 2022. The sample for this research consisted of 400 farmers selected using a stratified regional random sampling method. Areas or regions are used as the basis for subdistricts. 8 sub-districts are randomly selected from 23 sub- districts and each sub-district is represented by two groups of farmers. The conclusion is that: IPMFFS has a significant impact on farmers' knowledge; IPMFFS improves three aspects of the capacity of farmers' groups, namely their capacity to plan activities to increase productivity, capacity to implement and obey agreement with other institution, and capacity to apply technology, information, and team work; IPMFFS has the capacity to improve the dissemination of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) by farmers and; the IPMFFS has the capacity to improve dissemination of IPM by the farmers..
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Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics (JASAE)
Journal ID : JASAE-30-04-2023-246
Total View : 139

Title : Sickness and Agricultural productivity: Evidence from Arable-Crop farmers in Southwest, Nigeria.
by Oladapo, Moshood Olatunde, Ayantoye, Kayode, Agboola, Timothy Olusola, Borokini, Adesina, Apata, Temidayo Gabriel, Ajiboye, Akinyele. John, Oloniyo, Roseline.Boluwaji,
Abstract : Literature argued that investments in the health programs for labour to prevent sickness in farming operations enhances agricultural productivity. This paper estimates a stochastic production function using 240 primary data to analyze the relationship between farmers’ dietary-pattern, health-status and agricultural production efficiency. Study indicated that workdays lost to sickness influenced poor farm-income and productivity and the effect is considerable. Sound dietary-patterns and health status enhances human productivity and farm-profit levels. Moreover, the incapacitating effects of sickness on farm-labour leads to diminishing effects on farmer’s efficiency level. Average value of technical efficiency per-unit of input tends to be higher for healthy farmers than for those affected by sickness. About 79.1% of the respondents spent 85.6% of their farm-proceeds on medical expenses, while 66.8% of the respondents were unable to meet medical expenses from farm-proceeds. Hence, expenditures on health upsets affect the availability of disposable cash income as household financial resources are diverted to pay for medical treatment. Thus, deny farmers inability to procure agricultural inputs that can improve agricultural productivity. Regression results confirm the negative effect of health barriers on farmers’ agricultural production-efficiency. Results suggest that one workday lost to sickness increase farmers’ inefficiency by 0.4%..
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